Story Idea - explained fully

My Story

In a dimly lit dentists office two characters awake. The lights of the room flickering. One character 'The Detective' awakes on the dentists chair followed shortly by a second character ' The Dentist', around them a room covered in blood. Behind the dentists chair lay the body of his co-partner and fellow dentist impaled by a rainbow kitty umbrella. They look at each other, their memories still a haze and soon identify odd features about one another that correlate to the room.
1.  'The Detectives' sleeves where covered in blood
2. 'The Dentists' nails where painting in rainbow kitty colors and he also owned a rainbow kitty badge.
The two quickly pick up on these things and begin to debate their points in a heated arguments each trying to prove that they are not guilty. The Detective comparing the accessories of The Dentist while the dentist using the physical appearance of The Detective to tie them to the murder.
Using supreme deducing skills The Detective see's it best within her interests to find some sort of common ground and manages to convince The Dentist to keep this between them, thus making an unlikely partnership.

Exterior features of both characters
            (in order to get a better feeling of who they are)

The Detective
Short and some would say cute. The Detective is a female character who has an attitude and air about her that says "she's seen it all and done it all" her behavior is in total contrast to her looks and many would under-estimate her because of her physical features.

The Dentist
A lumbering giant of a man The Dentist with his body that resembles a 90's cartoon character who is addicted to hair get  carries himself in a rather light and airy manner and is mostly very soft spoken. He is a friendly giant but judging by his looks not a giant one would want to mess with. 


  1. *Using supreme deducing skills The Detective see's it best within her interests to find some sort of common ground and manages to convince The Dentist to keep this between them, thus making an unlikely partnership*

    don't get this, Tumo - what's the resolution to your story actually? And what actually happened? It's a very engaging opening - a big 'locked room' style mystery... but what is your ending?


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