Reflective Statement

This year I feel like I truly let myself fully embrace the course. Early on in the year, before it even began really, I swore to myself that this year I would envelop myself in my work, but I didn’t wait for uni to begin to do this. I had spent my entire pre third-year holiday studying and relearning some key software that I wanted to use. I worked at it until I felt that I had acquired at least some of the skills that I was missing. Coming into this project I wanted to make sure that I was focusing on aspects that I believe were most important to me, those being my character design and modeling. In terms of what I managed to create in my final submission I can honestly say that I am happy with the character that I created however I am not happy with the duration that it took me to create said character part of the delays are to do with my ineptitude with certain software the other was down to some choices that I made myself. That said moving forward I am confident that this first character has given me the required knowledge to quickly and skillfully create more characters whether in the same universe as my minor or otherwise.  
Looking forward thing that I will be focussing on will be creating more detailed characters more interesting concept art and character designs as well as a more polished and professional portfolio. 


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